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Listening to events

Basics of webhook events when using Codat's APIs

New webhook service available

This page describes the functionality of our legacy webhook offering. Learn more about our new webhook service and see how you can migrate to use it instead.

If you've added a webhook URL to your rule, Codat will POST to that URL each time a webhook event is raised.

The body of the request will include context such as the RuleId, the RuleType and the CompanyId that triggered the event as well as data relevant to the particular webhook type. Example bodies are detailed for each rule in our Rule types page.

Expected response codes

Response codeDescription
200 or 2xx range status codeWebhook event was received successfully.
300 or 3xx range status codeRedirects the event to another URL. Codat doesn't permanently cache the redirect.
408, 420, 429, 460, 502, 503, 504, 522, and 524Transient error or a timeout. Codat retries the webhook event.
Any other status code, including 400Unrecoverable, no retry is attempted.


Raised webhook events automatically retry a maximum of three times over a 2 minute period before failing permanently. The retry interval increases each time to a maximum of 60 seconds.

To override the retry interval, include a Retry-After header in your response.

For example:
Retry-After: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT
Retry-After: 120

Filtering events by client

If you’re a Codat partner with a single webhook endpoint for multiple clients, you can filter webhook calls by client.

The HTTP header of the standard webhook call contains an X-Codat-ClientId which uniquely identifies each client account.

Webhook security

If you'd like to secure your webhook endpoints, you can add an Authorization header to the notifications Codat sends using the settings on the Portal's Settings page, or read more about Webhook security.

Authorization method or schemeDescription
BasicA base-64 encoded username and password is added to the authorization header of the HTTP request.
BearerA custom value or token is added to the authorization header.

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