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Understand NetSuite bundles

Review the concept of bundles and how they are used to enhance NetSuite's functionality

Your financial service provider has requested that you share the data from your NetSuite account with them. For this, they asked you to complete a set of steps. One of these steps requires you to install a bundle.

Read on to learn more about bundles, what they do, and how to install them.

What is a bundle?

A bundle is a collection of code and settings packaged together so that they can be easily applied to a NetSuite account. Once applied, they extend the functionality of NetSuite. The way the bundle extends it is specific to each bundle.

NetSuite also calls bundles a SuiteBundle or a SuiteApp interchangeably.

What bundles will I install and why?

You will need to install a bundle called AppLink. This is Codat's bundle, and it lets us create an integration called AppLinkProd that establishes a flow of data between your NetSuite account and your financial provider.

When you install the bundle, you are allowing Codat's AppLinkProd integration to read existing data and create new data in your NetSuite account on behalf of your financial provider via the integration. This enables us to:

  • Read fields that we can't access using NetSuite's interface.
  • Interact with attachments in NetSuite.
  • Search through your records quicker.
  • Update existing records in your account and create new records.

Codat's clients trust this bundle to get financial data from their customers, and more than 1,000 businesses have already installed it on their accounts.

Bank Statement Parsers

You may also need to install a bundle called Bank Statement Parsers. NetSuite's developers built this bundle and the associated integration, and it helps us read and modify your bank statements so that we can create this data in your account.

As a result, you will see reconciled bank statement data in NetSuite without having to type it in. We will only ask you to install this bundle if it is required by the service your financial provider offers you.

How do I install a bundle?

Interactive tutorial

Follow our tutorial below to see each action in detail. Click the blue pulsing dot to begin.

Tutorial controls
  • To view the tutorial full-screen, press the double arrow icon in the top right corner.
  • To replay the tutorial, click the circle arrow next to the Enable Features - NetSuite header.

Step-by-step instructions

When completing the steps your provider shared with you, you will reach the bundle installation screen. Once there, do the following:

  1. Click the View bundle button. This will take you to the detailed bundle view in NetSuite.
  2. Click Install in the Bundle Details screen. This will open the Preview Bundle Install screen.
  3. Click Install Bundle in the Preview Bundle Install screen. You will be redirected to the Installed Bundles screen, where you will see AppLink in a pending status.
  4. Agree to the terms of service when prompted.

You may need to do this again if another bundle needs to be installed. If so, you will see another screen appear for the other bundle.

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