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Record loan repayments

Record the repayment of money owed to the lender for a loan in the SMB's accounting software

The loan writeback process is the same for general lending and invoice finance. The key distinction lies in the repayment method: general lending usually involves recurring payments, while invoice finance is repaid when the SMB’s customer pays the invoice.

On this page, we focus on general lending and provide additional details on automating the process for invoice finance providers.

Record repayment

To reflect loan repayments programmatically, perform these steps every time a repayment is made:

  1. Create a transfer from the borrower's bank account to the lender's for each repayment.

  2. Create a direct cost to record interest or fees.

  3. Create bank feed transactions to represent the transfer and direct cost in the lender's bank account.

For example, if the borrower took out a loan of £1000 with a loan charge of 20%, the total amount due comes to £1200. With a 3-month equal instalment repayment plan, the borrower pays back £400 each month.

This means you need to create a transfer of £320 to represent the payment, a direct cost of £80 to record the fees, and a bank transaction of £400 to reduce the liability to the lender.

Repay on your terms

Our example shows how to record loan repayments with monthly payments covering both drawdown and fees. To separate repayments from fee or interest payments, include a transfer from the borrower’s account to the lender’s account that equals the amount of fees or interest. Then, create the associated direct cost to register the fees and/or interest.

To perform these operations, you will need the following properties:

  • Lender's and lendersBankAccountId
  • SMB's,, and currency
  • repaymentDate - the date of the repayment
  • repaymentAmount - the amount repaying the loan amount
  • interestAndFeesAmount - the amount paying for interest and fees
  • totalRepaymentAmount, where totalRepaymentAmount = repaymentAmount + interestAndFeesAmount

Create transfer

Use the Create transfer endpoint again, this time to record the total repayment amount. Note that you are performing a transfer from to lendersBankAccountId.

accountingTransfer: {
date: repaymentDate,
from: {
accountRef: {
amount: totalRepaymentAmount,
currency: borrowersBankAccount.currency,
to: {
accountRef: {
id: lendersBankAccountId,
amount: totalRepaymentAmount,
currency: borrowersBankAccount.currency,
companyId: companyId,
connectionId: connectionId,
}).then((res: CreateTransferResponse) => {
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
// handle response

Create direct cost

Check the Get create direct cost model, then use the Create direct cost endpoint to capture the amount of fees or interest incurred by the borrower.

accountingDirectCost: {
contactRef: {
dataType: "suppliers",
currency: borrowersBankAccount.currency,
issueDate: repaymentDate,
lineItems: [
accountRef: {
description: "Fees and/or interest",
quantity: 1,
taxAmount: 0,
unitAmount: interestAndFeesAmount,
paymentAllocations: [
allocation: {
totalAmount: interestAndFeesAmount,
payment: {
accountRef: {
id: lendersBankAccountId,
taxAmount: 0.0,
totalAmount: interestAndFeesAmount,
companyId: companyId,
connectionId: connectionId,
}).then((res: CreateDirectCostResponse) => {
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
// handle response

Create bank feed transactions

Use the Create bank account transactions endpoint to deposit the total amount (including the repayment, fees, and any interest) into the lender's bank account.

accountingCreateBankTransactions: {
transactions: [
id: transactionId, // Unique identifier for this bank transaction
amount: totalRepaymentAmount,
date: repaymentDate,
description: description, // Include a reference to the direct cost, the loan and you, the lender
accountId: lendersBankAccountId,
companyId: companyId,
connectionId: connectionId,
}).then((res: CreateBankTransactionsResponse) => {
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
// handle response

At the end of this 3-stage process, your borrower will have the loan writeback reflected correctly in their accounting software. This saves them time on reconciliation and makes sure they (and you!) have clarity on the state of the loan.

Invoice finance repayments

Some accounting software providers offer webhook notifications that alert you about changes to invoices in the SMB’s accounts. By subscribing to these notifications, you can automatically trigger repayments once the customer pays the SMB.

To enhance your repayment automation, check out the supported webhooks from Xero and Intuit.


In this guide, you have learned:

  • What is loan writeback and what it's used for.
  • How to map and configure the loan writeback solution.
  • How to perform the necessary postings using Codat's endpoints.

  • Looking to implement loan writeback for Xero? View Xero's own documentation.
  • Review other features of the Lending solution.

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