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Configure customer in Codat

Create a company and its connection that form the structure required to execute the expense sync process


When implementing your Expenses solution, you need to create your SMB customer as a company in Codat before registering their accounting software as a connection. You can do that when the customer starts interacting with your application.

Next, you will connect the company to a data source via one of our integrations. With Expenses, each company will have two data connections: one to the SMB's accounting software, and another one - to the partner expense integration, i.e. your application.

A diagram displaying the relationship of a company and two data connections

Authorize your API calls

Remember to authenticate when making calls to our API. Navigate to Developers > API keys in the Portal to pick up your authorization header.

Create a company

Within Expenses, a company represents your SMB customer that manages their expenses using your application. To create it, use our Create company endpoint. It returns a JSON response containing the company id. You will use this id to establish a connection to an accounting software.


POST /companies

"name": "{companyName}"


"id": "77921ff9-2491-4dfe-b23b-ff28f3e31e4f",
"name": "Sawayn Group",
"platform": "",
"redirect": "",
"dataConnections": [],
"created": "2023-09-06T09:13:35.8188152Z"

Create accounting connection

Next, use the Create connection endpoint to connect the company to an accounting data source via one of our integrations. This will allow you to synchronize data with that source. In the request body, specify a platformKey of the accounting software you're looking to connect.

Accounting softwareplatformKey
Dynamics 365 Business Centraltrji
Oracle NetSuiteakxx
QuickBooks Desktoppqsw
QuickBooks Onlineqhyg

As an example, let's create a QuickBooks Online (QBO) connection. In response, the endpoint returns a dataConnection object with a PendingAuth status and a linkUrl. Direct your customer to the linkUrl to initiate our Link auth flow and enable them to authorize this connection.


POST /companies/{companyId}/connections
"platformKey": "qhyg"


"id": "7baba7cc-4ae0-48fd-a617-98d55a6fc008",
"integrationId": "6b113e06-e818-45d7-977b-8e6bb3d01269",
"sourceId": "56e6575a-3f1f-4918-b009-f7535555f0d6",
"platformName": "QuickBooks Online",
"linkUrl": "{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/start?otp=742271",
"status": "PendingAuth",
"created": "2022-09-01T10:21:57.0807447Z",
"sourceType": "Accounting"

Create partner expense connection

Once your customer has authorized access to their accounting software, you need to create another connection for their company for the partner expense integration.

Use our Create partner expense connection to link the company to your application. This connection is created with the Linked status, so you don't need to do anything else to authorize it.

Deauthorize a connection

If your customer wants to revoke their approval and sever the connection to their accounting software, use the Unlink connection endpoint.

You can learn more about connection management best practices and see how you can provide this functionality in your app's UI.

PATCH /companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}
"status": "Unlinked"

You have created the structure of key objects required by Codat's Expenses: a company and its connections to an accounting data source and your partner expense integration.

Next, learn how to configure the company to associate the expenses with correct accounts, suppliers, and customers and enable your customers to indicate their preferred expense mapping options.

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